Insights from paper: Google BigLake: BigQuery’s Evolution toward a Multi-Cloud Lakehouse

Hemant Gupta
14 min readAug 22, 2024


1. Abstract

Google BigQuery is a cloud-native serverless data analytics platform at its core.

It has compute and storage decoupled (also called disaggregated ) architecture.

This paper describes BigLake, an evolution of BigQuery toward a multi-cloud lakehouse that better addresses customer requirements.

The paper describes three main innovations:

  1. BigLake tables — An open-source table format
  2. Design and implementation of BigLake Object tables.
  3. Omni platform for deploying BigQuery on non-GCP clouds.

2. Introduction

Google Cloud released BigQuery in 2010 as a fully managed serverless multi-tenant cloud data warehouse. Its architecture separates compute, storage, and shuffle.

The large-scale analytics ecosystem has converged recently toward a so-called lakehouse architecture.

The architecture merges two areas:

  1. Traditional data warehousing (OLAP/BI dashboarding and business reporting over structured relational data)
  2. Data lakes (new workload types such as AI/ML, large-scale analytics over unstructured data, and workloads over open-format table formats such as Iceberg)

BigQuery’s query processing engine, Dremel, can process data in situ over various storage. You can read more about Dremel in my paper post.

BigQuery’s managed storage tier maintains a clean separation of compute and storage.

The read-and-write storage APIs allow third-party analytics engines like Spark or Presto to interact directly with data.

The paper provides an overview of how the team evolved BigQuery to BigLake.

The paper first describes BigLake tables, stored in open-source storage formats (Parquet and Iceberg), as first-class citizens within BigQuery.

Next, it describes the functionality behind BigQuery’s Read and Write APIs. These APIs extend infrastructure to support open-source data lakes on cloud object storage.

The paper describes BigLake managed tables that provide fully managed features like ACID transactions.

Next, the paper describes BigLake Object tables that extend BigQuery to support unstructured data. It also describes how Dremel is extended to perform image inference thoroughly within a relational query engine.

Finally, the last paper describes how lakehouse primitives in BigQuery are extended to other clouds through Omni. BigQuery Omni is a pioneering Google Cloud technology that allows us to ship the core architectural components of BigQuery on non-GCP clouds.

3. BigQuery Architecture

By now, you must have understood that BigQuery is a fully managed, serverless data warehouse. It enables scalable analytics over petabytes of data.

Let’s see its high-level architecture before we move ahead.

High-Level BigQuery Architecture

The data is in a replicated, reliable, distributed storage system. The elastic distributed compute nodes are responsible for data ingestion and processing.

It has a separate shuffle service to facilitate communication between compute nodes.

BigQuery also employs horizontal services, such as a control plane and job management, metadata/catalog, parser/frontend, and security/governance.

This disaggregated architecture allows close integration with open-source engines like Spark and Presto hosted in Google Dataproc that can write or read directly to/from BigQuery storage.

Similarly, close integration with Vertex AI allows the harnessing of powerful primitives for AI tasks for structured tables or unstructured data such as images, documents, or video.

It also allows shipping core pieces of BigQuery infrastructure, such as Dremel, on non-GCP clouds.

BigLake Architecture

3.1 Dremel and In-Situ Analytics

Dremel is a massively scalable parallel query processing engine behind BigQuery. You can read about it in my Google Dremel paper post.

The Dremel was released in 2006. Initially, it had a tight coupling between storage and compute. Eventually, it evolved into a system with separate compute and storage to support in-situ data analysis.

To support a full suite of essential enterprise data warehousing features, BigQuery built support for Managed Storage.

BigQuery extended Dremel’s in-situ analytics capabilities to query open-source storage formats such as Parquet, Avro, and ORC on Google Cloud Storage (GCS) through external tables.

The above model was good from a storage perspective but lacks basic query optimization, data modifications, security, and governance.

To solve this problem, BigLake tables were introduced. This allowed customers to use all the enterprise-grade functionality through the Storage APIs to manage data lakes running third-party engines like Apache Spark.

3.2 Storage APIs

The Storage API was added to BigQuery to allow external engines to access BigQuery-managed storage.

3.2.1 Read API

The BigQuery Read API offers a high-performance, scalable way of accessing BigQuery-managed storage and BigLake tables.

The Read API is implemented as a gRPC-based protocol.

It also provides a feature-rich governance layer that enforces the same coarse-grained and fine-grained access control and data visibility mechanisms as core BigQuery.

It has two methods:

  1. CreateReadSession: It allows the user to specify the parameters of the table read that they will be performing. A given read session provides consistent point-in-time reads. This method returns a list of stream objects.
  2. ReadRows: It is called using the stream objects provided by CreateReadSession. Multiple clients can be used to read data from individual streams.

The Read API embeds Superluminal, a C++ library that performs high-performance vectorized execution of GoogleSQL expressions and operators.

Superluminal enables efficient columnar scans of the data. It applies the projections, user/security filters, and data masking and transcodes the result into Apache Arrow.

3.2.2 Write API

The Write API provides a mechanism for scalable, high-speed, and high-volume streaming data ingestion into BigQuery.

It is also implemented as a gRPC-based wire protocol.

It supports multiple streams, exactly-once delivery semantics, stream-level, and cross-stream transactions.

4.BigLake Tables

For quite a long time(many years), BigQuery supported basic read-only external tables. The customers were looking for full enterprise-grade functionality for external tables like internal tables.

The team solved this problem by creating BigLake tables.

BigLake tables provide uniform enterprise data management features across various analytics engines and storage platforms.

The key ideas behind BigLake tables are two-fold.

  1. They extend external open-source data lake tables to be first-class citizens in BigQuery.
  2. These tables provide enterprise functionality to the broader analytics engine ecosystem through the Read/Write APIs.

The initial release used a delegated access model. The subsequent release provided performance acceleration through physical metadata caching.

4.1 Delegated Access Model

Normally, query engines forward the querying user credentials to the object store.

This model does not work for BigLake tables for two reasons:

  1. Credential forwarding implies that the user has direct access to raw data files. So users can bypass fine-grained access controls such as data masking or row-level security.
  2. BigLake tables need to access storage outside of the context of a query to perform maintenance operations.

BigLake tables rely on a delegated access model. Users associate a connection object with each table. This object contains service account credentials granted read-only access to the object store.

The table uses these connection credentials to process queries and perform background maintenance operations.

4.2 Fine-Grained Security

BigLake tables provide consistent and unified fine-grained (row and column-level) access controls.

This is independent of storage or analytics engine.

BigLake tables offer a more robust security model where the Read API establishes a security trust boundary and applies the same fine-grained access controls before data is returned to the query engine.

4.3 Performance Acceleration

BigQuery has tables backed by modern managed table formats like Apache Iceberg, Apache Hudi, or Databricks Delta Lake.

The listing operation on these table files needs to be faster.

To accelerate query performance, BigLake tables support a feature called metadata caching.

The diagram above shows how BigLake automatically collects and maintains physical metadata about files in object storage.

There is a scalable physical metadata management system called Big Metadata for BigQuery native tables. This system is also used for other tables.

In this metadata system, BigLake tables cache file names, partitioning information, and physical metadata from data files, such as physical size, row counts, and per-file column-level statistics, in a columnar cache.

The statistics collected in this system enable both BigQuery and Apache Spark query engines to build optimized high-performance query plans.

The result of this acceleration on the official TPC-DS 10T benchmark is given in the below diagram.

TPC-DS Speedup with Performance Acceleration

It shows the TPC-DS query speedup for a subset of the queries. With metadata caching, the wall clock execution time decreased by a factor of four.

4.4 Accelerating Spark Performance over Storage APIs

Many BigQuery customers use Apache Spark SQL in addition to BigQuery SQL.

The open-source Spark BigQuery Connector provides out-of-the-box integration of the storage APIs with Spark DataFrames using Spark’s DataSourceV2 interface.

Spark executors perform a parallel read of the streams returned from the read session. The read API returns the rows in the Apache Arrow columnar data. Spark natively supports Arrow, so it minimizes memory copies.

Initially, the read API was using Dremel’s row-oriented Parquet reader. The rows were then translated into the Superluminal columnar in-memory format. This process was slow because of the translation required from row-based to column-based format.

The team implemented a vectorized Parquet reader that directly emits Superluminal columnar batches from Parquet.

In the last section, we learned about the Big Metadata statistics. The CreateReadSession API is extended to return these data statistics, which the Spark connector uses to improve query plans.

On the TPC-H benchmark, Spark's performance against BigLake tables now matches or exceeds the baseline of Spark’s direct GCS reads.

4.6 BigLake Managed Tables (BLMTs)

BigQuery fully manages BigLake-managed tables.

They stored data in open-source formats in customer-owned cloud storage buckets.

BLMTs support DML, high-throughput streaming through the Write API, and background storage optimizations.

We have already seen that these tables store metadata in Big Metadata. The storage format of the metadata is Apache Iceberg.

Users can export the Iceberg snapshot of the metadata to cloud storage, and now, any query engine compatible with Iceberg can query the data.

There are a couple of benefits of BLMTs over open-source formats like Iceberg/Delta Lake.

  1. BLMTs are not constrained by the need to commit metadata to an object store atomically.
  2. Open table formats store the transaction log along with the data. The log can be tempered.

5. Supporting Unstructured Data

In today’s world, most data is unstructured, such as documents, audio, and images. It is harder to analyze than structured or semi-structured data.

BigQuery Object tables provide an SQL interface to object-store metadata. BigLake enables users to analyze unstructured data using SQL commands on local and remote systems.

Let’s understand these object tables.

5.1 Object Tables

Object tables are system-maintained tables.

Each row in the table represents an object, and columns contain its attributes. These may include URI, object size, MIME type, creation time, etc.

So you can imagine that the select * on this table is like doing ls/dir command on file system.

The BigLake features are naturally extended for the unstructured data.

  1. Fine-grained Security: Object tables use the same delegate access model we saw for structured data. They can generate signed URLs for each object they have access to.
  2. Scalability: Object tables store object store metadata as table data. It means we are inheriting the scalability of BigQuery. For example, listing billions of files will not take hours now.
  3. Metadata Caching: Object tables reuse much of the metadata caching mechanism we studied in the Big Metadata system.

5.2 Inference and Integration with AI/ML

BigQuery ML supports both inference within the query engine and outside the query engine.

5.2.1 In-Engine Inference

SELECT uri , predictions FROM
MODEL dataset1.resnet50 ,
FROM dataset1.files
WHERE content_type = 'image/jpeg '
AND create_time > TIMESTAMP ('23 -11 -1 ')

The code above shows In-engine inference on images.

The query applies the ResNet image classification model to JPEG files. It reads an object table named dataset1.files and filters it down to JPEG images. It generates inference directly in BigQuery using an imported model named dataset1.resnet50. Finally, it returns the object URI and the inferred class.

5.2.2 External Inference

remote_service_type = ' cloud_ai_document ',
document_processor = 'proj/my_processor '

MODEL mydataset . invoice_parser ,
TABLE mydataset . documents

The code above shows external inference using Document AI.

The query uses a proprietary Document AI model to parse receipts. It first registers a Cloud Document AI processor endpoint as a remote model. After that it executes inference remotely on all the files referenced by the object table named mydataset.documents. Finally it returns all the fields extracted from each document.

BigQuery supports two forms of external inference:

  1. Customer-owned models hosted on Vertex AI.
  2. Inference using Google’s first-party models.

6. Omini

BigQuery Omni is a novel approach for cross-cloud data analytics.

Using Omini, customers can analyze data residing in BigQuery managed storage, Google Cloud Storage (GCS), Amazon S3, and Azure Blob Storage in-place.

Omni enables BigQuery’s compute engine to run on all major cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP) by bringing Dremel to the data.

Customers do not need to move or copy data across clouds to GCP.

The diagram below shows Omni's implementation approach.

The critical pieces of the BigQuery data plane run on foreign clouds using Kubernetes clusters, while the control plane still runs on the GCP.

6.1 Architecture and Deployment

Omni uses a hybrid cross-cloud architecture consisting of many micro services connected via Stubby.

Stubby is Google’s internal RPC framework and supports policy-based authorization.

Each microservice has its own set of authorization rules defining which other services can talk to. These rules are defined statically, and remain constant throughout a deployment’s lifetime.

Omni is a regional service with full regional isolation guarantees. Omni’s deployment consists of two components:

  1. Binary deployments of pre-built binaries such as Dremel
  2. Configuration deployments that consist of serialized configuration files.

All binaries and config files are built from Google’s Piper source system.

Omni follows a multi-phase rollout deployment model similar to BigQuery on GCP, where the deployment of binaries/configs progresses through one or more regions at a time.

Config deployments are separate from binary deployment and usually follow a shorter time window or the entire deployment phase.

Omni’s control plane consists of the same microservices used in BigQuery on GCP. Users interact with standard BigQuery public APIs hosted by the control plane.

The Job Server handles all user query requests. It performs various preprocessing tasks, such as query validation, IAM-based authorization, and metadata lookup, and then forwards the query to the data plane on the foreign cloud.

Data plane components include the Dremel query engine, caching layer, and a few required infrastructure dependencies. The data plane also runs a few Borg dependencies, such as Chubby, to provide a consistent runtime execution environment across all clouds.

6.2 VPN/Networking

Secure communication is required between the control plane and the data plane.

The diagram above provides an overview of how Omini ensures this secure channel.

Omni uses a QUIC-based zero-trust VPN. This VPN enables network endpoints hosted outside of Google production data centers to transparently communicate with services within Google.

6.3 Security

Omni is a multi-tenant system built to provide the same level of security benefits as a single-tenant architecture.

Omini has built various defense-in-depth security features into its architecture.

  • Object access credentials scope (Per-Query Isolation)
  • LOAS based addition authentication through untrusted proxy(Per Query/Regional isolation)
  • Security Realms (Regional isolation)
  • Human Authentication
  • Binary Authorization

6.5 Dremel on Non-GCP Clouds

Dremel runs natively on Borg infrastructure within Google. The Omni team built a minimal Borg-like AWS environment containing key services Dremel used.

  1. Chubby Google’s distributed lock service
  2. Stubby Google’s internal RPC framework that supports policy-based authorization
  3. Envelope, a sidecar container equivalent to jobs running in Borg
  4. Dremel’s in-memory shuffle tier
  5. Pony, a high performance user-space host networking stack

All the above services are migrated to AWS to make them run natively in AWS VPC.

6.6 Operating in a Multi-Cloud Environment

The services required to operate the query engine are managed by many teams within Google.

The Omini team heavily indexed on providing the same release and support experience for these teams to reduce the cost of supporting Omni.

This required building integrations or adapters into Google’s release system, monitoring, logging, crash analysis, distributed tracing, internal DNS, and service discovery systems.

Creating bridges to these existing systems has proven to be very beneficial to Omni's operation.

6.6 Cross Cloud Analytics

Data analytics users commonly have data in multiple clouds and regions.

Customers have business needs to bring this data together.

Omini made two innovations in this space through cross-cloud queries and materialized views.

6.6.1 Cross-Cloud Queries

Most databases and data analytics engines do not allow a direct join between tables in different regions (or clouds).

The Omni architecture avoids data transfer complications by leveraging the availability of a fully managed query engine in multiple clouds.

BigQuery users can execute a query that joins data from a GCP region with one or more Omni regions in a single SQL statement, as shown in the code below.

SELECT o.order_id , o.order_total ,
FROM local_dataset.ads_impressions AS ads
JOIN aws_dataset.customer_orders AS o
ON o.customer_id = ad.customer_id

Omini parses each query and identifies if any tables are located in remote regions.

If it finds table references to one or more regions, Omini retrieves the remote table metadata. It splits the query into regional subqueries with appropriate filter pushdown.

Omini then submits new queries as cross-region Create Table As Select queries that run in the remote regions and push the data back into the local tables.

The BigQuery query engine running locally in each region executes the corresponding query and pushes the results to the primary region.

Once the remote queries are complete, all the remote data is available in temporary tables in the same region. The query is then rewritten to perform a regular join between local and temp tables.

6.6.2 Cross-Cloud Materialized Views

Omni supports incremental cross-cloud data transfer.

Cross-Cloud Materialized Views (CCMV) provide incremental data replication from the Omni region to the GCP region by maintaining the replication state. It is shown in the diagram below:

Omni CCMVs replicate incrementally to reduce egress costs.

Omini first creates a local materialized view in the foreign cloud region using object storage as the storage medium. This view is periodically refreshed.

The materialized view replication process relies on stateful file-based replication, which copies files from AWS S3 to Google’s Colossus file system.

Network throughput is controlled through Google Cloud project quotas. Customers are charged based on the physical bytes copied.

7. Conclusion

The paper presents three critical innovations in BigQuery toward a multi-cloud lakehouse.

  1. BigLake tables evolve pieces of core BigQuery storage and metadata infrastructure to unify managed warehouse data with open-source data lakes. It provides uniform, fine-grained governance, and significant performance improvements. The fully managed BigLake tables provide ACID transactions and other valuable features.
  2. BigLake Object tables support unstructured data. They allow the integration of data types like documents, images, and audio into an enterprise data warehouse. Both in-engine and external inference techniques enable several use cases spanning analytics and AI/ML.
  3. Omni allows our lakehouse features to enable multi-cloud use cases by seamlessly shipping Dremel and other key dependencies on non-GCP clouds.


Google Spanner paper post

Google Dremel paper post

Google File System paper post

Apache Spark paper post

Google F1 Query paper post

Amazon Redshift paper post

YouTube Procella paper post

Apache Hudi

Apache Iceberg

Apache Paraquet

Spark BigQuery Connector

Databricks Delta Lake paper post

Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg

Vortex: A Stream-oriented Storage Engine For Big Data Analytics

The Chubby Lock Service for Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systems

Big Metadata: When Metadata is Big Data



Hemant Gupta
Hemant Gupta

Written by Hemant Gupta Working on the challenge to create insights for 100 software eng papers. #100PapersChallenge, AVP Engineering at CoinDCX

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